Monday, June 28, 2010

Looking Forward

Whew, there is so much coming up!

First, there is Canada Day, July 1st, where I will take the opportunity to explore Canada's overwhelming mediocrity. That's right. I said it. You're floating on your niceness, Canada! Don't think the world hasn't noticed. I don't think any of my Canadian readers will comment on this because they hate to make a fuss, but will bitch to their Canadian friends later. Prove me wrong, why don't you?

The Fourth of July, where I will celebrate my husband's birthday. I may or may not delve in to the United State's mediocrity. Hmmm. No, I don't think I will. I think mediocrity belongs to Canada.

July is going to be the Official Trash Month of Summer, where I will watch only trashy films, listen to trashy music, read trash books and talk to trashy people. The word rubbish would have come in handy here, don't you think?

A trip to North Carolina may be in the offing. More tattooing! Plus barbeque! Plus perhaps I meet my trashy nemesis, Randy G. Or not. Who is to say, really?

Also, I want to be finished with the neuralgia. I want to be done with pain.

Does anyone else have any goals for July?

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