Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Just Some Things

Look, I do write and I hope to get published and all, so it's not like I keep my life under wraps by any means. But I just don't want a cell phone. I think I'm kind of like Bill Murray that way: there is one phone number to reach me. If I don't pick up, leave a message and I call back. It's simple, I think. Unless I'm traveling and then it's a nightmare.

Other things:
Musica electronica puts me to sleep. That goes double for house music.

I secretly like it when both the cats sleep near/on me. It makes me feel like they would do my bidding. If I asked nicely. The flip side is I secretly get jealous of Christian when the cats love on him. He's so kind and patient with them that they pile on him.

I worry about the secret world of baby butlers in America. Babies shouldn't have to wear bow-ties or petticoats. I take the position that baby butlers are wrong.

I really am out of control obsessed with bedding: sheets, blankets, quilts, duvet covers and the like. Thread count really matters, people. It matters! To me!

There. That is all. For now.

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I am the unreliable witness to my own existence