Wednesday, July 7, 2010

I'm Leaving This For Last

For a reason. Canada and its mediocrity problem. Apparently there was a bombing of a Quebec military recruitment center on Canada Day by a group that calls itself Resistance Internationale. (You are forgiven for not knowing Canada Day is July 1, when Canadians celebrate that England allowed them to become a nation in 1867, though the British Parliament kept political control of Canada.) Apparently this group is protesting Canada's "military colonialism," occupation of Afghanistan, as well as the corporate oligarchy ruling Canada.

Oh Canada. Really?

Even your anarchist groups are yawnable. And they have to reach pretty far to say that Canada is occupying Afghanistan. Everyone knows that Canada has to check with the Queen before they are allowed to do anything.

I mean, I'm glad no one was hurt or worse.
But Canada, really, this is pretty boring.

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