Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Brendan Visits!

Christian's old friend and my new friend Brendan came for a visit before he heads back down to South America. We took an eating tour of southern Vermont. First to Manchester for Up For Breakfast, The Dorset Inn for lunch and down to Williamstown and Mezze for dinner. There was lots of talking and laughing, but I realized that pictures of people talking are generally unflattering. So I got photos of listening. But then they are all listening photos. I should have mixed it up, huh? Yeah, I should have. We went for a walk in Merck Forest in between all the eating. Hopefully we'll see our friend again soon.

Cute sign. But there are eight signmakers in Manchester, so there should be excellent signs.

Christian, listening

Brendan, listening.

Me, listening, but mostly goofing.

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I am the unreliable witness to my own existence