Sunday, March 21, 2010

Tea Parties Aren't Always Lovely.

I know, I know McClatchy is not really news, etc. But if something like this is making it into these news sources, it's hitting mainstream. And actually, I think it's good if this is hitting nerves. It's not right and sane people need to step up.

For shame, Tea Party people. For shame. I wish there was a better and more public way to shame you, but hopefully you've done it to yourselves. I do hope that anyone on the right considering a move to the Tea Party will see them for what they really are: racist homophobes.

The pace was furious and sometimes heated both inside and outside the Capitol where thousands of Tea party demonstrators gathered to protest the bill. Some demonstrators hurled racial and sexual insults at Democratic lawmakers.

Some demonstrators called Rep. John Lewis, D-Ga., "n****r" as he left a nearby House office building and other used the word "f****t" as they confronted Rep. Barney Frank, D-Mass. Lewis, a noted civil rights leader, is black and Frank is openly gay.

For me, I am apoplectic. I could go on (and will, in the future). But this is proof that what the Tea Party people and Fox News commentators mean when they say "This isn't the America I grew up in!" is code for "I can't stand a black man as president" and they'd prefer to go back to the forties or fifties when they can be openly racist, the homosexuals are closeted and white men are in control.

Also, I think the Right is becoming Facist.

That is all. For now.

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