Tuesday, November 18, 2008


So I haven't taken any photos of anything recently. Mostly because we are painting with a gi-normous wall in the bedroom. It involves, cabinetry, bookshelves, and a very high ceiling. So because it's been a multi-day project and there are dropcloths and paint bits everywhere I just haven't taken out my camera. 

But right now we are sleeping in my writing room (it has a platform bed in it and is also a guestroom). It's been nice, because there is an east-facing window and have seen some blazing red sunrises. But the cats are really confused. I'm beginning to think they are like dogs, because they just want to be in the same room with us, wherever we are. But in the middle of the night, they get confused. They go around and play downstairs and then come up to find the bedroom door shut, so they scratch at the door and meow. We have to yell at them "we're over here!" and then they come in and cuddle up.

Christian told me last night that he loves the cats so much he can't imagine living without them. Isn't that nice? I think he is.

That's all for now. Since there is more painting to be done, I'm going to try to squeeze some writing in before I pick up a brush.

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