Goodness me. Coming from the south, I feel like April is the time to start planting things, so I did. And you know what? That does not work in Vermont. We had a couple freezes that went down to 26F and the seeds and seedlings just gave up.
So I went to Whitman's Seed in North Bennington to get some more seeds and the people there told me that it is "just now safe to put in the early stuff." I know I have said this a lot lately but I'll say it again: WHAAA? Just now? Six weeks after I already planted the early stuff? (beets, chard, arugula) I can't quite get used to the Vermont growing season.
But, lemonade out of lemons, right? I tested the soil and it needs a bit of sulfur so I get the chance to mess with the chemistry of my garden patch and C has volunteered to re-till it so it's going to be great and work this time.
In the meantime, I will study the map from the Weather Channel.
1 comment:
Hi Hanna,
It is so cold here in The Netherlands that I just turned on my heat! Glad I am following you on here... Love your writing. Hosting Heather and John this weekend:)
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