Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Let's Talk About Disapproval

So the word that will most get me, all the time, is disappointed. As in, "I'm not angry, I'm just so disappointed." That kills me.

An internet meme that has been around for awhile, but has seen a resurgence is Disapproving X. Like Disapproving Rabbits. My cats are really good at being disappointed in me and letting me know. So if you see some good pictures of animals (animals include people) being disappointed, post them, please.

By the way, my Ma knows this, but one arched eyebrow and an "I'm Disappointed," will make me totally distraught. Oh, the other thing I was wondering about was if anyone else has those triggers or things that can make you feel like a little sad kid who did bad. I could talk more about trying to be a good person, but I think I've touched on that enough for one month.

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