So my head has hurt since last Thursday. And kept hurting.
But there is an important thing about me: I am a hypochondriac, but I always -- always -- underplay it if there is something really wrong because I think Im making it up.
So it's getting worse and worse. I keep saying "I'll go out, I'll garden and then I'll feel better." But I don't.
I decide to do what's called "watchful waiting." It means to be aware and take inventory of what's going on, but just note it, not freak out. Saturday I wake up in pain. Sunday is even worse. Sunday is like the right side of my head just got dipped in pain. So the weird thing is that this headache isn't made worse by sound. I liked being read to and listening to audiobooks on a low volume level. It was light and any sort of visual stimuli that did it. I could not look at a damn thing without getting a dose of the agonizing sickies. My vision was horrible: like a bad effect from a seventies B-film.
So I do yoga! Which helped not at all.
On Monday I made an appt with my GP, who wasn't in so I saw Liz, the nurse practioner (NP) and she gave me some meds that were pretty strong. She said "You've let it get to this point, we have to just make it stop, and it might take some time to stop because it is entrenched. Take two doses of this and if that doesn't stop the migraine, go to the hospital."
Two doses didn't stop it. I even called her after that and asked "Do I have to go? She said "Yes. Go. Now." So Christian took me to the ER, and it was quick. I was out in an hour.
They gave me a shot of Demerol in my ass. Which made me feel much better. Ass Demerol: It Helps.
Today I still feel delicate and tender and nauseous, but not like the guy above. I am not trying blankets to my head to blot out the world. I'm just wearing sunglasses inside, and that's not so bad. I still have a little double vision. But tomorrow. Tomorrow will be better.
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