wooo hooo hooo. I'm going to vote for the pro-tattoo candidate. Not enough has been debated on tattoo rebates and incentives.
OK, so for your roundup:
The New York Times lays out a couple different scenarios (a Clinton sweep, an Obama sweep, a split result)
Politico explains what to look for in North Carolina and Indiana. Basically, the higher the voter turnout and the more African-Americans, the better for Obama. Late deciders usually break for Hillary.
Personally, I think the whole argument th.at only Hillary can get white blue-collar voters is extremely racist. Obama gets 90% of the African American vote, a core constituency of the Democratic base. If the superdelegates go against the popular vote and the pledged delegate count, Hillary will loose the African American vote, and that something that the media has entirely overlooked. I guess white voters are the unheard story of the century (yawn).
Oh yeah, moving on . . .
More superdelegates are going for Obama says the LA Times.
Arianna Huffington breaks the news that McCain did not vote for George Bush. While its not too much to consider that he probably voted for himself as a write-in, the picture is just priceless.
Oh yeah, I posted a picture of this random dog because Im tired of looking at politicians' faces. even though I love Barack, Im still tired of photo ops. This dog was much more pleasant to look at.
Thanks, and happy voting today!
1 comment:
did you see the AP photo of barack at blue coffee in DT durham? tim freaked b/c barack ordered a coffee and a poundcake and tim had JUST MADE POUND CAKE. future prez could have noshed at our place. http://www.nytimes.com/slideshow/2008/05/05/us/politics/20080505CAMPAIGN_index.html?partner=permalink&exprod=permalink
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