Wednesday, May 14, 2008

If you want, you can send me a message

hi all,

No post tomorrow. May 15th is the four-year anniversary of my now-defunct marriage. I am dee-pressed.

If you want, you can send me a message about any awesome qualities you might think I have. It would cheer me up.

In the meantime (sigh, hand on forehead) I will forge on . . . .


Unknown said...

You are a Super Star. You give me hope for how cool people can be.

Tomorrow we're starting a new anniversary. May 15, the rest of your incredible life.

Big Big Love to you.

Trueb said...

Ten things I like about you.
1. Your perfect teeth
2. Your Penis jokes (well not really)
3. Your taste in shoes
4. your style
5. That you like basketball
6. You make me laugh
7. You cook
8. You introduced me to swiffering
9. Your fabulous hair
10. Your photography skills

ps. Baby, You have my whole heart.

I am the unreliable witness to my own existence