All of you know that Hannah is a very glamorous woman. However, you probably don't know how hard she has worked to achieve that high level of style. So I found a couple of pics that caught her practicing her glam. You can tell how much more practiced she is from the time she was two until around eight. Of course, when you're two and your mother is dressing you in Tommy Togs handed down from your cousin Matt glamor can be a little hard to achieve.
As I recall the socks were birthday presents - sort of a tradition in our family - but only H would have the panache to wear them with sunglasses!
HA! You're killing me BT. The little leg cross on the tiny chair. Someone call the cute cops.
the cute cops-- seriously! i love it. what was she watching, i wonder? 60 minutes, i think.
listen . . . put your ma in charge of your blog for a coupla weeks and see what happens.
I was livin' large in those fotos. the socks and sunglasses prove it. if you dont like it, then you can step off, suckas . . . .
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