Thursday, June 5, 2008

I'm Back . . .

London and Berlin were great!! I will be posting many, many photos as I find some time. But right now, demands of life are pretty big and I don't have much free time.

I hope you all enjoyed my mom's guest blogging. Im surprised she didn't put in my synchronized swimming performance of 1998. We watch that on video all the time . . . . Seriously though, thanks mom! You can guest blog any time. Me blog es su blog.

It turns out that my car was indeed totaled, but the insurance took care of everything and the loan is all paid off and everything. Im going to be rocking out in the old Scion xB. But very carefully from now on. I feel better about the whole thing now.

I still have a huge amount on my plate (that makes me cry a little when I think about it) but one thing at a time, right? In the meantime, enjoy some beautiful scenic photos.


DukePirate said...

Sorry about the car. Or congrats, I'm not sure which. Either way, good luck finding a new one.

Glad to hear that you're back!

Unknown said...

Welcome home. Glad you're back safe and sound.

Shout out to mom. Great bloggin' True. It was a treat.

I am the unreliable witness to my own existence