On the last day in Berlin we biked through the city from P'berg to Zoo Station. This is in the Tiergarten. It was really hot so lots of Germans were sunbathing naked. I don't think Im mature enough to ever live in Germany. I always laugh when I see "fahrt" in any combination of words, and I think naked pasty people are also worth a giggle.
Anyway, I got my farfegnugen levels topped up and Im ready to smell some roses. Conveniently, for your viewing pleasure, that happens next . . . .
Girl you best watch out as you will be weiner schnitzel if you don't watch where you are going.
oops... there's no edit button?
what i meant to say was:
look at you, biking in wedges. you're so euro-chic.
yay! welcome home.
Heather, I wish you had video when I schnitzeled myself. And I cannot believe that John does not think that joke is funny.
Yes darling, biking in wedges. girls were biking around town in dresses and fancy little nothing-shoes on. I had to throw down a little.
I tried to ride my bike in my flip-flops once and I couldn't get over the mental hurdle. I was smart enough to turn around and change shoes before I crashed into anything or anyone.
You have a gift HT. Use it for good.
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