The top one is called "My Lonesome Cowboy" and the bottom one (natch) is "Hiropon." So you come around a corner that is all cartoony and cute and these two are waiting for you. I noticed a couple of things:
1. How much it would suck to be the guard at this corner. There are only so many times you can say "no touching the spunk lasso!" before you start to wish you had another job.
2. Everyone who was childless spent a really long time in this area.
3. Everyone with children went through here super-fast.
4. Practically everyone giggled when they saw these. You giggled too, didn't you? It's ok. I don't judge. We're all friends.
I thought his stuff seemed familiar to me but it wasn't until the booby sculpture (almost hard to believe, I know)that I remembered where. My cousin once gave me a book "The Japanese Experience Inevitable" that I haven't gotten around to reading but it's loaded with great reprints and pictures that everyone loves looking through. And now that I'm looking at it now and your boy Murakami is all over the place.
There's a cool little Seattle connection quote too. "Kurt Cobain was not making songs to give hope." - Yoshitomo Nara.
Can I get a Halleluja? Anyway the booby thing brought it all back to me. Okay now I've gone on longer than I meant to.
Ha. "Spunk lasso." I'm secretly 12.
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