I got summoned to jury duty on May 19. This is disturbing. I mean, sure, Im all about being a good citizen in theory. But Im going to London on May 23rd. This is so going to cut into my leisure time. I've been told if I simply say "I'm a Marxist" during jury selection that should get me out of it, but I don't know if that will do it. Help! Anyone know anything about squirming out of a jury?
i was summoned in boston which was total bogus because i wasn't a resident. it was super fun: first you wait in a long line to check in. then you wait in an airless room of plastic chairs with all the other citizens of the world. you've brought a book but it's no use because the several suspended tvs are blasting the view and the today show. you watch for what seems like hours. they call your group number and give you a little paper fan with your potential juror number on it. you're instructed to raise the fan when you hear your number. weird. great. in the chambers you raise your fan to say that you're present. then you raise/wave your fan to say that you beleive that you cannot or should not serve on a jury of this court. someone says "sidebar," which you recognize from legally blonde, and you "approach the bench," again, you are familiar with this term because you watch boston legal and law and order... sometimes. you say "i'm a student and can't miss finals," or alternatively, "i'm a marxist, and believe that this superstructure theatre is bullshit," er whatev.
David Aers has been called for jury-duty as well. Just stay close to him, and you will certainly be dismissed. The other easy way out is to note that you have an I.Q. over 85 and are a fan of Reginald Rose's "Twelve Angry Men." Or that you believe that you are half-cheetah, half-Jesus.
It was years ago and I'm in the state of Washington but once I just called a number on my notice and told the guy "Dude, I'm living paycheck to paycheck here. I can't miss the work." He said "Hang on." and then about fifteen seconds later he said "You're all clear." And that was it.
It's worth a try anyway.
In the words of Homer Simpson, "The trick is to say you're prejudiced against all races."
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