So this time my therapist Dave (but he goes by Day) worked on my core. But, he worked on my core FROM THE FRONT! It was nuts, and my tummy is sore, like I've done thousands of sit-ups. Day also worked on my neck to help release the pinched nerve. For the first time in years my neck isn't a solid mass of stiffness.
He's also helping me to think about my posture and using my body correctly to do the things I like to do, like garden, swim, and be active. It's weird how much posture helps. I also know when I've pushed myself too far because I start to sag. But I am feeling much, much better. Fewer headaches and they last only for a few minutes.
I want to sing it out from the mountaintop -- go get yourself some neuro-muscular therapy! It will heal whatever ails you!
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