So this past Friday Christian was asked to speak on a Japanese horror film from the 1970's called "Hausu" (House). They were showing it at 11pm, so there was an odd amount of time between the end of the working day and the film. I ran into our friend Gage and he invited Christian and I to go to their place a little later.
So after finishing up a few things, we went over to Gage and Wendy's house. Except we arrived right between bath time and bed time -- they have three beautiful children. It was so sweet to see the kids in their jammies, telling me about their stuffed animals and assorted bed necessities. For some reason I thought it would be funny to tell them I still sleep with my blankie. So I started off "Hey, you guys know I was born a long time ago," meaning to finish it with "and I still sleep with my blankie." But one of the children cut me off after I just confessed to being really, really OLD and said "we all know that!"
So what can you do? Yep, they all know I am really old. And I still sleep with my blankie. But I still look sorta young. My secret? Kissing babies and stealing their essence.
Exhibit A:

Also, I have a painting of me that is locked in the attic. It ages, but I stay the same.
Oh, what about Hausu, you ask? It is an amazing film, not least because it is like watching thirty-second ads that comprise a larger whole. It's done in the advertising style: overly saturated colors, background music that is out of sync with what's happening, and dialogue that seems like simple one-liners. Also, there is a struggle between war-time and post-war gender roles. And its a horror film. Except it doesn't seem to know its a horror film because its too busy jiving out on its own vibe.
That's it in a nutshell.
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