Saturday, January 9, 2010

Happy New Year!!!

Man, 2010 finally got here and hooray for that. I put up this picture of a winter tree because where we going skiing in Bromley lots of the trees look like this. It's so gorgeous.

Anyway, what was with the last decade? What happened? I feel like someone punched me in the head and I woke up with an amazing new life. I'm learning to grow things and bake. I'm thinking seriously about earthworm composting and getting some chickens. When I think about what I was doing in 2000, it seems a million years ago. What about you guys?

So Kendra, you know I've never been to Boston. We're only like 2 1/2 hrs so we should plan a visit! But Ruth, listen, I refuse to make peace with Canada. They are not what they appear to be. I know I seem crazy, but I speak the truth!

New Years resolutions, anyone? What's going on?

1 comment:

kendra said...

i have to keep rediscovering your blog every month b/c i can't figure out how to rss it. and without rss i am nothing.
come visit boston. we have composting worms and shitake logs and we will teach you all about it.

I am the unreliable witness to my own existence