Saturday, January 30, 2010

Oh Man

So Pops and Christian and I spent the last two days skiing (well, snowboarding for me). We were out during that magical whiteout that got everyone off the mountain except us, and we got almost 2 inches of pow-pow in 20 minutes. We closed down the mountain it was so awesome.

But the the temps dropped and the wind picked up. Yesterday was a different story: the runs were still fun, but there were parts that were groomed ice and I admit it was hard for me. I had a bad fall where I accidentally body-checked a chairlift tower. My dad heard it and described it as "kinda a bad-sounding sort of crunch." Im okay and all, but my right side: shoulder, flank, and some thoracic areas really hurt today.

So it's time for a break from winter sports, don't you think? I think so.

Thursday, January 28, 2010


This is actually from imagur, but it's so cute!!! Our cats love the cases and they love computers. I don't know why, they just need to be near a machine sometimes. Blossom needs about two hours a day with Christian's Macbook Pro or she doesn't feel good. She also licks it clean and rubs her cheeks on it.

Cross-Country Skiing Can Whip You, Yo!

So mah Pops and I went cross-country skiing yesterday for two hours. It confirmed all my fears about skiing: my right foot is stronger than my left, so my left ski doesn't follow as quickly or dig as deep (snowplowing). I learned a manuever called the Butt Stop and took many falls. When I say "many" I mean "too many to count."

But listen: the sport is also amazing -- you go around beautiful snowy woods and the workout of your life. So far I have a vague understanding that my arms/shoulders (from getting up all the time) and thighs are stiff. The soreness will set in later. But later, me, Pops, and Christian are going to Bromley for more skiing, and that should ease out the soreness, right? I think so. Probably.

Your Guide To Modern Love

When I saw this this morning I thought about how good it was and wanted to share. Thank you Matt Groening.

Friday, January 22, 2010

I Love It When Kids Dress Themselves

First, when my parents started letting me dress myself, I came up with some horrendous stuff. But this kid. This kid oozes style. Check him out and let the style creep out the computer and on to you.

Sheep Gives Birth to Human-Faced Lamb?

I don't know if we can believe this. The picture is mad gross, so only click on it if you can stand it. The lamb was stillborn. And now it will haunt my nightmares forever.

This is What Happened in Massachusetts

So there you are.

From The Perry Bible Fellowship

Sunday, January 17, 2010

A Word on Canada

Look, some people have taken offense that I don't like Canada. Some, like Jorie Locius have even suggested that I should soften my attitude. To which I say NEVER!!!! I've seen the Canada behind the curtain and it is not pretty. In fact, it is ugly. (And it is pretty rich that that suggestion comes from a woman who regularly let loose about how horrible the US is.)

So I say "Lemons to you, Canada! Lemons to you!" Except Quebec. I hope they secede.

Ready for a Roundup?

First, I know it is Sunday, but these funky ladies believe in Friday everyday! Except maybe the one on the left. She looks unsure of the day.

(courtesy of

Okay, I love Kasper Hauser. Their new project is "Weddings of the Times," -- and this is a little taste of it. but I originally fell in love with Spicy Pony Head. Anyway, please check them out because they are hay-larious and lovely and weird.

Another crazy thing from Canada:
They realized that giving Viagra to kids is a good thing. Well, it might sort of be a good thing for the kids that have pulmonary arterial hypertension because it relaxes the arteries in the lungs.

"here are also a host of unpleasant side effects, including jaw and muscle pain and facial flushing."

Not to mention the raging boners these poor kids are also going to have to deal with. It's not fair, Canada. You're trying to make it look like its all about the kids, but you don't care about their baby erections. It's not right, it's not fair, and I am on to you.

I'm not really understanding the whole Leno/Conan thing, but this was funny.

And there you go! Roundup.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Oh, I'm So Stupid

Dear Marie and Dave

Happy Anniversary!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It couldn't have happened to better people.
Hope you had a rockin' time last night (ba-dum-dum)


Thursday, January 14, 2010

Javier Bardem?

We're going to re-watch "No Country for Old Men" tonight and Im worried I will get a crush on Javier Bardem. He's so hot, except for that haircut. Thoughts?

Marie Rocks!!!

I have to admit, I attempted some ill-advised moves at the end of our ski day on Wednesday and am paying for it now. Nothing crazy (overly crazy) but Ive hurt my back and neck pretty well and am bruised a bit. So I only did a half day of hanging wallpaper with Marie. But listen, she does not even need me anymore. We worked until about 2:30 and then she practically finished the room on her own. This room will be the library (arent't the stripes library-ish?) We've considered covering all the books with this wallpaper so it will match the books, but it seems like a lot of work.

You may be thinking that the tops and bottoms aren't even, but there will be molding to cover the tops and bottoms so it will look finished and so beautiful.

Marie! Goddess of Walls! While I love what you did, I feel sad that you don't even need me any more to wallpaper. But I'll get over it. We can still hang out and do stuff.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

I Only Meant to Praise

So Christian and I were skiing/snowboarding (respectively) today. It was kinda icy and windy. We're in a chairlift when we see below us a guy on a snowboard. He was going over some really tough terrain -- moguls and drops and stuff -- and doing a great job. Christian and I were look "whoa! Check that out! He's handling that stuff really well."

So I wanted to give him a little cheering on. From the chairlift, looking down, I shouted "looking good!"

Immediately I regretted it. There is nothing you can say in .5 seconds from a chairlift to someone below that does not sound snarky and sarcastic. I went over a few other phrases that I could have shouted instead:
"good job!"
"way to go!"

All of them sounded equally sarcastic and frankly, even mean.

Then I thought about the snowboarder: picking his way down some tough icy terrain and then getting a sarcastic heckle from above. I hope he knew I meant it in the nicest, most sincere way possible and that it didn't ruin his day.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Can Someone Help Me?

John Oliver

Eugene Mirman

Bill Nighy

Look, I don't know whats wrong with me. My first celebrity crush was Bill Murray. That right, when I was six I was digging on Bill Murray. Thank God he is finally a leading man. But Im getting these comedy crushes on John Oliver and Eugene Mirman that just don't make sense. Then, when watching State of Play tonight I realized I had another crush on Bill Nighy. What does this mean? Help, someone. Comedy crushes I understand. Bill Nighy is another thing. I just love the way he talks.

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Me and Marie Hung Wallpaper

No better way to start the year than wallpapering the hell out of a 175 year old house, and that's what me and my friend Marie did. Unfortunately the pattern caused a lot of ruckus in matching it up, but she showed me how to cut straight on a fold and how to book the paper. On the side, I also ate the paste and got a headache.

The above photo is an artist's illustration of the event. It looked nothing like that. Right now I am afraid to wash my jeans for fear they will stiffen the the whole laundry load.

I love the hell out of Marie. Well, I love most people I meet (else I will intensely dislike them for the rest of my life), and I love Marie. I hope she teaches me some skills.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

So Now, I Have a Mac

And I love it!

However, everything I backed up on my PC was formatted for backup on a PC, not a Mac. I don't think this will be a problem in the long run, but:

1) I don't have my rich cache of photos to choose from. I will immediately begin work on a new photo archive.

2) My bookmarks have to be re-found and replaced, which means that I don't have my reliable sources of hard-to-find cute stuff, cute facts, and whacked-out craziness.

In the meantime, I think perhaps the universe has wanted to give me a fresh start, so Im taking its offer.
Dear Universe,
I love you.
From Hannah

Write soon, the rest of yous.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Happy New Year!!!

Man, 2010 finally got here and hooray for that. I put up this picture of a winter tree because where we going skiing in Bromley lots of the trees look like this. It's so gorgeous.

Anyway, what was with the last decade? What happened? I feel like someone punched me in the head and I woke up with an amazing new life. I'm learning to grow things and bake. I'm thinking seriously about earthworm composting and getting some chickens. When I think about what I was doing in 2000, it seems a million years ago. What about you guys?

So Kendra, you know I've never been to Boston. We're only like 2 1/2 hrs so we should plan a visit! But Ruth, listen, I refuse to make peace with Canada. They are not what they appear to be. I know I seem crazy, but I speak the truth!

New Years resolutions, anyone? What's going on?

I am the unreliable witness to my own existence