Friday, December 4, 2009

They Won't Even Admit This In American Papers!


Hey Canada, clean up your act.
And stop being so damn smug.
And get your Governor General to stop clubbing baby seals and eating their beating hearts. It's pretty creepy.

And I had to go the UK's The Guardian to get this. Shame on you Canada. Shame.


t-ruth said...

Ok, but Hannah: you HAVE to stop being so mean to Canada!

Hannah True said...

Do I have to?
Really? But this is really what I think. The claims to citizen equality, love and peace and then the internal problems of the country just get under my skin. Not to mention the smugness. When I lived there I hated being told that "I wasn't like the other Americans, I was a good one."

It's not the nirvana people make it out to be, that is my only real message.

t-ruth said...

I myself spent 11 years being told that it was hard to believe that I was an American. I didn't mind it, though for sure the passive-aggressive tendencies of Ontarians, especially, can get on one's nerves. On one's "lahss nerve," as they say in my home town. Still: yes. Really. I'm sorry.

I am the unreliable witness to my own existence