This is Carol. God bless her, she loves to party at work. Occasionally she'll just bring in a homemade cake with whip cream and homemade ice cream just for fun. This morning our boss, affectionately nicknamed "The Beave" announced that she hid 110 eggs throughout the department for us to find today. We've learned from past experience to check everywhere. I usually don't find all mine until at least Thanksgiving. But Carol, god love her, just isnt prepared to give up. Note that her office is still decorated for St Patty's day. The woman loves a good time.
this is the sneak sneakiest ladie i've ever seen. if i ever see her in person, hopefully on or near a holiday, it will take all i have not to crack up laughing at her sneak sneaky hijinx.
HA! The Beav really hid over 100 eggs? Christ alive that woman is too much. But I did steal a piece of chocolate from her office the other day, and it was, as usual, mighty tasty.
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