Sunday, September 11, 2011

Well, This Is A New Thing

On June 21st -- the solstice -- after twenty-five hours of labor, our daughter Peaceable True came into the world.

In the twelve weeks since then so much has changed: I can do just about anything with one hand, diapering and bathing is a breeze and Peaceable has started babbling, smiling and rolling over.

 Peaceable at 25 days

 Ten weeks old

But now its become clear that I'm not going to join the ranks of the mommy bloggers. I am documenting her babyhood through photos and journals, but I'm just not interested in posting it here. My energies are going into two long-term projects: Peaceable as well as another wordy venture. So I'm putting a button on this blog and calling it done.

Thanks for checking in! Catch you on the flip side . . . .

I am the unreliable witness to my own existence