Just so everyone knows and all up to date: I live in Vermont with my husband Christian Thorne. We have this farm (see above: barns) and a meadow and views of the Green Mountains. I love it! I love it so much, with all of the seasons--the fall colors and the snowy winters and the bright spring unfolding and a summer that is hot but not too hot.
We have a guest room so you can come visit. I'm writing and homesteading. I make apple butter and knit stuff! And I effin' love it. Cranberry applesauce, anyone? I got it. I'll give you some. Zucchini relish from homegrown zucchini? I gots it. You can have some of that too. You want to cuddle down with a woodstove fire and some kitty cats and watch a movie? You can. It's awesome.
Ooooh, so the homesteading--the planning and growing and harvesting is time-intensive at certain times of the year. April to May has to be scheduled super-tight so that things get planted at the right time. Growing and propagation and then making sure the seedlings get enough water but not too much takes a couple weeks and then things are cool. The apple orchard needs to get sprayed regularly. Honestly, I am surprised at how regimented things have to be to produce food. I guess it's not that surprising, but it does take a lot of planning.
Writing is always intensive. I have kind of a ridiculous routine with that: I need to do a diary entry, read about the craft of writing (a couple pages), a writing exercise of a couple pages and then a thousand words. I have a couple different projects going and try to work on one until it feels exhausted, then switch to another until the other one opens up again. Then I also have to read and try to figure out the tricks the author is using to make the story work. After a couple hours of sitting then its time for physical work--homesteading or planning or whatever. I just can't sit for more than about three hours without getting ants in the pants. Props to people that can sit and read and work for hours: I just cannot do it.
So that's that. That's what Im doing, that's where I live, that's where Im going.