Thursday, July 30, 2009

Ahhhh! Octo-Obsession sets in, courtesy of Etsy

This says it's a squid wallet, but come on--that is clearly an octopus. An octo-wallet! Oh, a girl can dream, can't she?

This little guy is just adorable!

This bag
just kills me. Will I forgive the person who mis-spelled 'Octopus'? You bet.

Back in Vermont

Christian and I went down to North Carolina, went to church at my dad's new church in Robbins, NC. Then up to Raleigh, where we did a seven-course meal for my parent's 40th anniversary, then out to Hickory to get some more work done on my tattoo. New photos soon, I promise. The lower back is almost done.

I think we both really enjoyed the trip but it went so fast!
I'm glad to be home. The raspberries are ripening--it finally feels like summer.

Don-Lee Memories

I am in this photo. 1997 was a cracker summer for me. I got to be support staff to the Leaders In Training (also pictured here). This is where the magic of facebook comes in. Lately, we've almost all connected up and are talking. It's really pretty great. This was also the summer I was head lifeguard and trained all these people to be lifeguards. I also got to lie to many many little children. When a water moccasin got in the water I'd call a buddy check, get the kids out of the pool (ha, you don't often hear it that way, do you?), obtain possession of the snake and then assassinate it. Usually by chopping off it's head and then disposing of the remains. Then everyone back in the pool!!!! Swim time is fun time!

This part of the job gets even funnier when I admit that now I am a jumpy, screamy, tightly wound woman.

True story, after watching "28 Weeks Later" I was bragging to Christian and my mom that the movie didn't scare me all that much. Then I noticed Christian's brother Josiah was standing behind me, somewhat zombie-like, and I screamed the sounds of a woman about to be killed.

I then apologized to Josiah. It's not nice to scream at people.

But anyway, I have many good memories of Don-Lee. A big kiss--mwah!--to everyone here. I hope I see you soon.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

The New Phobias

I can't imagine that an image of a monkey would be tightly copyrighted, but I felt like I needed to list my current phobias:

1. Ticks
2. Bears
3. Bedbugs
4. Leftovers (of more than 48 hours of age)
5. Wild parnsips
6. Films in which animals may be harmed (artistically, not in a PETA-kind of way. I still haven't finished "Bambi" for this reason).
7. Silvio Berlusconi's Sardinian grotto and ex-Czech Prime Minister's Mirek Topolanek's penis
8. Japanese Knotweed (such a horrible name)


Unfortch, I did this way before MJ passed on (sing on, MJ!). This was at Heather's wedding shower and we took a trip to the bridal store. I could not resist the mirrors. Trish kept doing this part of the thriller dance all weekend, so I needed those mirrors to also do the dance.

You can dance, You can dance
Everybody look at your pants

So please, everyone, make a note: If you have a hall of mirrors, I will be dancing in it.

Habitat for Hunanity, Bennington Edition

Good news!
It looks like Im going to be involved in the Bennington Area Habitat for Humanity. They call it Bennington "area" because they have a pretty wide area in which they work. They're currently only doing about one house a year, but they have the skill set, materials and volunteers to do more--it's just about creating the infrastructure.

I don't know exactly what form my help will take--building or PR or fundraising, but it was FUN!
Here is a link:

I learned that Hazel has an 81 year old brother with a glass eye who flies his plane around. She's worried he might crash it. Paul has a crazy sense of humor. And I met Zach too. He needs to find a way to get down to Massachusetts and Connecticut to visit some friends he met on a cruise. I'd lend him a car, but he doesn't have his permit yet.

I'm really looking forward to getting to know these peeps better. God, I love eccentricity.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Spy in the City

There are a couple things I love about these photos:
1. That Neil is wearing a white silky scarf. He looks like a WWII pilot
2. My beret
3. How easily is was to get secret information from his PDA.
4. How innocent I look in the first photo

Yes, I collected many many secrets in those days. Many secrets indeed . . . .

I'M BACK!!!!

So I live in Pownal, Vermont. In case you didn't know, Pownal is the gateway to Vermont. It's just over the line from Massachusetts and New York. It's a little hamlet full of arty, eccentric people. I have a writing room, a coupla acres, a raspberry patch and so much more.

I took a long break for personal reasons: my ex-husband and his mother were tracking me through this blog.

But now I'm back! The ex is a real ex. His mother has probably moved on to cyber-stalking Gavin's new girlfriend and we can all move on with our lives.

So, to update:
I miss all my Dirrty D peeps: C-Dub, Erica, Jenny Woodruff, Lindz, Layla, Matt, Andy B, and tons of other people. Ohhh. I miss you guys.
I'm meeting new people!
I'm writing!
I'm reading tons of stuff! (what do you think of "The Piano Teacher?")

mwa, thats all for now. Hopefully I'll be blogging daily.
Love love love

I am the unreliable witness to my own existence