So I live in Pownal, Vermont. In case you didn't know, Pownal is the gateway to Vermont. It's just over the line from Massachusetts and New York. It's a little hamlet full of arty, eccentric people. I have a writing room, a coupla acres, a raspberry patch and so much more.
I took a long break for personal reasons: my ex-husband and his mother were tracking me through this blog.
But now I'm back! The ex is a real ex. His mother has probably moved on to cyber-stalking Gavin's new girlfriend and we can all move on with our lives.
So, to update:
I miss all my Dirrty D peeps: C-Dub, Erica, Jenny Woodruff, Lindz, Layla, Matt, Andy B, and tons of other people. Ohhh. I miss you guys.
I'm meeting new people!
I'm writing!
I'm reading tons of stuff! (what do you think of "The Piano Teacher?")
mwa, thats all for now. Hopefully I'll be blogging daily.
Love love love