Thursday, February 28, 2008

It's Recruitment Time, People!

Sorry I haven't posted lately. Ive been working hard and pulling long days lately. Things should be in order again by Saturday. In the meantime just remember this: I see you.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

What Would CoolWhip Do?

Sure, it's Tuesday morning. But dad has to make a dessert and we're all wondering--could he make a banana CoolWhip flambe? Will CoolWhip flambe? It seems like it could be flammable. Really, what the hell would it do? It's the perfect experiment to liven up a boring Tuesday morning.

Dad is Ready

Loaded up with torches and ready to roll. The man loves a flambe, what can I say?

Implements of a Scientific Test

A fireproof (hopefully!) dish, spoon and CoolWhip.

Checking for Flammability

After putting in the first layer, we check to see if CoolWhip will flambe on its own. It does not. It melts. Literally just melts into liquid. So we decide to test the liquid . . . .

It is Bad

Really, it is so bad. Really really very bad.

Upping the Ante

After considering that Cool-Whip only melted, we thought that perhaps adding brandy as a flavorant and flambe-helper might improve the situation.

Melty with Brandy is Even Worse

Literally, this is the worst thing that can be consumed by humans. I do not recommend. Ultimate result of this experiment: FAIL.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Evangeline Lucinda Makes a Visit

Evesies is the cutest baby ever. These pictures do not do her justice. Please go to Erin and Ted's blog to check out better shots of her. All I can do is admire her beautiful blue eyes and pink cheeks and her smile. Seriously Erin, I will babysit for you anytime. Remember: I do have magic baby skills. Sometimes. I just need like fifteen minutes and then they love me.

The Evangeline Lucinda Babski blog is here:

Mmmmm Smells Like Baby

This goes down as my most awkward kiss ever. I went to kiss her beautiful cheeks and she turned her head. All I can say is that she smelled like baby, and believe me--baby smells good.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Wanda Jackson Kicks Ass

If you don't know, then you need to know.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Dear Lindsey

Remember New Year's? We got our fab on. Just remember that: our awesomeness is awesome. I love you lady!


So some peeps came over for a bit of dinner and games. It's always a good time--the best time to catch up on the gossip and to hang out. I made veggie lasagna (pictured above). Game night also gives a normal person to use to the phrase "Go for the pink with one in the stink." It's not something I can normally work into the convo. But trivial pursuit pop culture version gives one all the purpose one needs to offend others. hooray! Pictures of games and consequences follow.

One of Us is a Genius

I leave it to you to decide which is which. And also, evidence of our dominance.

This Is What Trivial Pursuit Dominance Looks Like

Kendra, my partner, and high on a fresh Trivial Pursuit kill mows down our opponents. Good for us. Bad for them. We don't care, we won. Accept the consequences, bitaches!!!

Oh God Tim, Can You Just Make a Regular Face?

Oh Tim, you're a goofball and I would not publish any photos of you making goofy faces. So here we go: Im keeping you in line and then we have a wee cuddle. Im glad that you didnt take my trivial pursuit dominance personally. awwww.

Enough With this Lovemaking, Take Off Your Pants

Ok, just to clarify, that is the punchline to a beautiful joke that Casey shared with us tonight. Here is everyone--Justin, Casey, Erica, Me, Tim and then Tim, Kendra and Tiffany. Obvs, Tim is a ham, but what can you do? Tim--we love you! Keep up the good work.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Dear Eric

Just a little note to remind you: you are fierce! Remember when we cooked up all that basil goodness last summer? That was delish. I'll be your sous-chef anytime.

Just Mulling Things Over

Choices, choices. Read for class? Read for a project? Listen to the debates and fall more in love with Obama? Watch more Arrested Development? God, so many things to think about. I suppose I could also think about vintage quilts. I could, but I won't. I think Obama is going to win this one.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Here is my dad

He's here. Just relaxing, you know, chilling out at Lake Lynn. No psychedelics were used in the making of this photo.

Did you know there is a lunar eclipse RIGHT NOW??

Well, there is. This is what is looks like. And pictures do not do justice to a natural phenomenon. Its gorgeous. Go out at and look before 10:30 EST, if you can!

Here's my dad using the binoculars to look at the lunar eclipse. Thankfully, he still has his sight.

ooh, reaction shot

Me and my ma taking a look at nature's spectacular loveliness. awwwwwwwww.

A lovely something pretty

There is a designer in Chapel Hill named Sarah McLane and she has the most gorgeous, comfy tees for ladies and for the fellas too. Please go check her out: She totally rocks and I love her stuff. Maybe you will too? I don't know, but I sure hope so. That lady k's some a in my opinion.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Look at me, please!

I know its past Christmas, but one of the best things about owning a three-pound chihuahua is dressing her up. Seriously, you find yourself happily doing things that would have made you cringe before. Santa Dog is a case in point. Get a load of those lapels!

Monday, February 18, 2008

Meanwhile, in Sapporo

Sure, we are wearing T-shirts here in NC, but over in Hokkaido they have more snow that they know what to do with. They also have some thing called the "Self-Defense Forces" (NOT an army, by the way). And about this time every year, for training practice, the self defense forces gather up all the extra snow and make amazing statues and things out of them. You can see more of the Yuki Matsuri (Winter Festival) here.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

It's Spring!

So in celebration of the coming spring (I know, its still winter) I got some really lovely pink sheets with a chocolate brown quilt. I love it! So cozy. I love picking out new outfits for the bed. I think it makes my bed feel special too.

Friday, February 15, 2008

A Full Set of Teeth Is Overrrated

So me, Oki and Gavin got to hang with Garry and Harlos at our favorite waterhole, The Federal, in Durham. Oki had a good time, except she did a houdini act at the end, getting out of her sweater, halter and leash in one go. I thought that I looked slightly like a member of the French Resistance, but Gavin said I didn't (thoughts on that?). After this, we met up with various North Carolinians and I had to spend the rest of the night translating Canadian-to-Southern. It's not as easy as you think . . . ps love you Garry and Harlos and Caroline and Emily--they were perfect gents!

Just for a really good laugh

OK, look--the thing about me is that I like cute. I like it alot. I like it on an academic level (cute is the new irony), I like it to look at it because it makes me feel good. But nothing makes me laugh more than a recently shorn llama. I don't know if it can be called "cute." But this is a Disney character without a movie. Just look at the lip position! It's like he's trying to tell you something goofy. Oh dear me, I love it.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

then you don't even know whose in charge anymore

Who is the Queen of the Animals?? Me, thats who.
Billy Cat is a fifteen-pounder, and boy does he like being in charge. I love Blossom's attempt to even herself out with her paw because she's about to roll over. You can't see it, but Oki is whining for Billy to get down.

You wouldn't believe the number of lint rolls we go through in this house.
But its worth it all to be Queen of the Animals.

then it gets more complicated

suddenly Blossom Cat needs more love, and Oki Dog must compromise and share.

It all starts so simple

I'm just trying to work, you know? Get my work on. And my Oki-dog needs to be cuddled. Thats cool. I know how to cuddle. Then Blossom Cats decides she wants in the action too . . . .

The Boys are Back in Town

So Garry (above) and Harlos (below) arrived at our place at 7am after a harrowing fourteen hour drive from Canada. It snowed the whole way and the poor fellas were exhausted. We all had a good chuckle about how they drove through snow for fourteen hours, but the schools were delayed by two hours. Then ever so gently, the men reclined and their eyelids relaxed.

Until Oki-dog located and attacked Harlos's feet. Also she displayed her Valentine heart in celebration of the day! Harlos was cool about it and eventually they became cuddle buddies. I think he was too tired to protest anyway.

Happy Valentine's Day everyone! I hope you made it a good one.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

facebook can suck it

among my "friends" I have the #3 best smile. I defy anyone to find someone with a better natural smile than me. It's genuine, and I don't give a real smile unless Im genuinely happy. So you know what? facebook can go eff itself. It's smile meter is just totally wrong. (in my humble opinion)


My dog Oki gets the puppy spurts real bad and pretty reliably around 7, 9 and 11pm. This is a still motion capture of the puppy spurts. God love her, but she is effing crazy sometimes. She makes my meticulously made bed look like cot. Oh, and see that yellow blanket near the top on the right? That is an object that has extreme emotional attachment for me. I have no idea why I even leave it on the bed for Oki to chew on. Also, her name means "ginormous" in Japanese. And she's three pounds--so that is irony, folks. Please never call her "Oki from Muskokee." That just makes me sad.

Dear Mom Part 2

I love any dinner that include both creme brulee, chocolate mousse and lots of wine. I loved it. I hope you did too. xoxox

I like Yoshimoto Nara

This one is called "The Longest Night." It's a little bit how I feel right now. Except without the stilts.
You can see more of Nara's stuff here.

Dear Mom,

Dear Mom,
I'm sorry that I didn't do anything for your birthday yesterday because I had class that ran late and you just got back from California. But I have a kick-ass double-special present for you that I think you will really really like. Also, I love you alot. And look at how cool you looked in the '70's. I doubt there are many women that can look back on those years without shame.


Monday, February 11, 2008

After Class

After class, Joy gave Gavin some schooling on proper wearing of touks. He looked dubious; but she was convincing and styled her own touk-wearing abilities. And also paradigm shifts, hunting, etc and so forth.

Why don't we have this here?

How much better would your day be if you had random people dressing up like polar bears and kissing each other? Mine would be much, much better.

Angela White

My uncle Kenny took this photo and it kicks ass. It's a perfect things of beauty and I just wanted to make sure everyone gets to see it

first time for everything

Trying this blogging thing for the first time. Just as a sort of whateves, you know. Like anyone will care. But here are some cool things. My cousin Matt got married to one of the most gorgeous women ever and their children are crazy beautiful.

This is my cousin Nonie (on the right). I never ever met her before, but apparently we have many of the same mannerisms when we speak. Maybe like an archeype? Ideas?

I am the unreliable witness to my own existence